I've always had an affinity for the old cartoons, shows, movies and video games of my childhood. The colorful and quirky character designs always mesmerized me and have been a big influence in my own artistic style. Here are some characters i've done that are nods to the greatest era of cartoons, the late 80's to early 90's. This character is Terror Toucan, the mutant avian mercenary.
This character had a more political connotation. I created him during a very political time in my country and reflects what many of my fellow citizens think of most of the people in power. This guy's called "Senator Pork Barrel"
Here's another politically-themed character. A corrupt government official who's a glutton for money and power. Willing to devour anyone who gets in his way. Introducing "Congressman Crocot"
Mutants of Mayhem


Mutants of Mayhem
