"Down the smog"


   "Pea soup” was the name given to the smog that covered the city at that time. Contrary to expectations, it did not dissipate in a day or two, but only became denser and more suffocating. The heavy air blocked the daylight from getting to the streets and turned them into a gloomy labyrinth, add comma completely paralyzed ordinary life. The police could no longer cope with all sorts of criminals and gangs who took the opportunity to seize power in some areas. But worst of all were the horrible superstitious rumors that gripped the unfortunate citizens seemed to be coming true. In order to understand what is happening, and to bring the situation back under governmental control, the problem is entrusted to the
special agent of the 
Secret Royal Witchcraft Service.
     This is a concept of the 2d metroidvania​​​​​​​ game. The action takes place in a Victorian city filled with the sudden smog. The game is dedicated to the adventures of a special agent of the Secret Royal Witchcraft Service, who was called up, because without the daylight the city is in danger of falling under complete rule of evil forces. The hero has to go through a long and dangerous trial, fight various enemies like ordinary gangsters or supernatural creatures, solve puzzles and conduct investigations.  Finally he must find the cause of a terrible disaster and return the daylight to the citizens. Along the way, the hero develops his skills, learns new tricks,  manages to win the victories either by cane fencing or by magical skills or overcoming enemies with quick wit.
Thank you for watching!
"Down the smog"

"Down the smog"

This is a concept of the platformer art game. The action takes place in a Victorian city filled with the sudden smog. The game is dedicated to th Read More
