Paul Steinwachs's profile

Business (GAME) Cards

Designerds Business Cards
We didn't want to make ordinary business cards. We are grown ups, but still have the urge to play.
So we thought, why don't we make some business cards, which everyone can play with
So we sat down to read some cool looking books... funky, eh?! Then we gathered to talk about the concept of our game, which really challeneged our social skills. Buuuut it didn't really work quite well in the end.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
To be honest... this shot was made after we were done with the cards to make this project look way cooler. The real sketches are in sketchbooks full of coffee stains.
We created some saucy Business cards, but-- Plot twist! You also get to play a fancy Card Game with them!
₍₍ ◝(・ω・)◟ ⁾⁾
The nature of game is quite simple: You draw cards, and play them until you defeat your opponent with annoyingly unfair attacks, like a Unicorn Apocalypse, Bacon, Scumbag Steve, Nokia 3310, Sharknado, and a bunch of other absurd things.
Game on!
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Business (GAME) Cards

Business (GAME) Cards

These are not just some boss-like business cards but also awesome playing cards for a nerd-worthy game. Gotta collect them all!
