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Jane Eyre Book Covers


by Charlotte Bronte
Each of this three covers are intended to represent the different meanings about the life Jane had and the things she went though in different stages of her life.
Designs in digital format.
Designer's Choice Cover 

Here, I portrayed the relationship Jane had with Mr. Rochester. In which she was treated and felt as an equal, rather than inferior because her status or sex. Their gazes find each other, at the same level.
Designer's Choice Cover 
Handmade Cover

This cover is intended to represent the past Jane has and tries to leave behind, even though at times it seems to be haunting her at times of trials; it also shows the woman she has pictured from a young age and desires to become. From another point of view of Jane as a grown woman, she is able to see herself clearly and be proud of who she become and the things she achieved.
Handmade Cover.
Typography Cover

Through a rough font, I tried to capture the life Jane had. At time her life's suffering seem endless and the moments that she was happy felt brief, yet she always tried and longed for a loving and peaceful life.
Typography Cover.
Books stack.
Thank you.
Jane Eyre Book Covers


Jane Eyre Book Covers
