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Custom Baby Stroller ◇ 客製化嬰兒推車|市場調查與設計運算

​​​​​​​Baby Stroller
客          製          化          嬰          兒          推         

 ◇  ◇  ◇  ◇  ◇ Design Computation ◇  ◇ ​​​​​​​

Through the construction of a parametric model of Grasshopper, the baby stroller used by the mother of infants aged 1 to 4 is customized. 
In addition to the basic stroller mechanism designed by Ergonomics engineers in the future, consumers can freely choose their preferred seat orientation, seat style, handle radius, wheel style, storage basket position, and overall color style. 
 After market research and analysis, parametric model design was implemented, and the feasibility of the customized stroller design was verified through the experimental process: questionnaires and interviews, parameterized model operation, and post-operation questionnaires.


​​​​​​​Types of Strollers According to Different Ages

Through the interview results, we learned that infants under the age of 1 in Taiwan usually use baby baskets instead of strollers, so the main target group is the age range of 1 to 4 years old.


Market Research and Product Analysis​​​​​​​
Necessity of Customization Baby Stroller​​​​​​​

According to the following requirements of different consumers for baby strollers, the customized design of baby strollers is necessary.

◇ Functional Requirements
Stability|Folded Volume|Portability|Safety
◇ Ergonomics
◇ Styling
◇ Special Requirements
Reclining/Lying Down|Forward/Backward Facing Seat|Storage Space|Other Functions


 功 能 取
穩 定 性、收 折 後 體 積、輕 便 性、安 全 性
 最 適 人 因
 造 型 搭 配
顏 色、材 質 
 特 殊 需 求
斜 / 正 躺、座 椅 面 向、置 物 空 間、其他功能
Rhino Grasshopper 3D Model​​​​​​​

Basic Mechanism of Baby Stroller 嬰 兒 推 車 之 基 本 架 構

Fixed Parameters 固 定 參 數

There is not much difference in the shape of this parameter adjustment, mainly for the safety stress test of different infants' ages and weights. 
However, this parameter adjustment can be retained to help institutional engineers make adjustments more quickly when analyzing human factors for products.


Adjustable Parameters 可 調 整 之 參 數

Suggestions of 4 Respondents During Interview

NO.1 Mrs. W (Cook)

"Even a child under the age of 2.5 may already need a stroller rather than a baby basket. "
"Younger babies have more necessities and may need a lighter stroller."


NO.2 Mrs. L(PhD Student)

"I have used three different strollers, which are Travel Light, Europe Deluxe , and a combination of three-wheeled bicycles."
"Basically, who own babies over 10 months will not use a baby basket."
"If the parametric model can be made a little more detailed, it has market value."


NO.3 Mrs. C(Insurance Industry)

"who chooses a stroller with a rear-facing seat may want to see the expression on the child's face."


NO.4 Mrs. H(Supplementary Education)

"I'm looking forward to the mechanism of baby stroller to better fit the baby's body."
"Pay attention to the stability of the stroller."
"Hopefully the height of the seat is just close to the table top, so it can be shared with the baby high chair."
"A well-stocked stroller increases purchase intention."
"I chose to forward seat because I didn't want the child to be too dependent on me."


Experimental Statistics

1. Analysis of the Experience of Using Baby Strollers 嬰 兒 推 車 之 經 驗 分 析

2. Parametric Model of Customization Baby Stroller 客 製 化 嬰 兒 推 車 參 數 模 型

3. Feedbacks of Post-Operation 測 後 回 饋

Designer & Researcher
TJ Huang

Jian-you Li

Paul Dinletir|Luigi's Toy Shop

Custom Baby Stroller ◇ 客製化嬰兒推車|市場調查與設計運算


Custom Baby Stroller ◇ 客製化嬰兒推車|市場調查與設計運算
