Chairbox Design's profile

The Last Shift Office Chair

The Last Shift Office Chair

Sitting kills

There is a study that found out that sitting six to eight hours a day increases your chances of dying. By design, humans weren't created to sit on chairs for eight hours a day. The whole behavioural shift happened recently and our bodies haven't adapted yet. Even if you exercise it's still not enough. Also there is a law in the UK now that the employers must provide with standing desk options at their office. The awareness is there but it's not enough.

Grind culture = voluntary slavery

Another issue is exploitation. While we spend most of our time at work most of us can't afford some basic things. The gap between rich and poor is growing exponentially. What's shocking is that it's widely accepted by society, it became a norm that we spend our lives at work slowly killing ourselves and getting almost nothing out of it. The whole grind culture is just wrong, it feels to me like voluntary slavery. We've been gaslit into thinking that this is the life as it suppose to be. We sit in those coffins and generate value for the stakeholders, but once the time has come they nail the lid and roll us to the corporate cemetery.
How the design came to my mind

The first vision of the chair came to me when I was in my friend's living room lying on the floor with my legs on the couch. I thought that if I die in this pose they might have to bury me like that. It would be so inconvenient to put me in a coffin.
The Last Shift Office Chair


The Last Shift Office Chair


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