Textile scraps of linen and cotton

The use of textiles as a medium forces me to rethink about the textile industry and the impact that its waste has on the environment. In order not to feed this growing pollution, I set out to collect fabrics that are no longer used or that resulted from sewing arrangements. The ancient japanese Boro technique is a practice that was born from the need to make the most use of fabrics, so as not to waste anything, mending different pieces into clothes passed down from generation to generation. This practice emerged as the foundation for building the fabric base of my exercise. On this base is embroidered a quote by Geneen Marie Haugen, taken from the book “All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis”, edited by Ayna Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilkison. Reflecting on human action today, Haugen imagines the future of our civilization. Under this concept, I built an abstract illustrative composition that explores different embroidery techniques, a search that arises from the desire to experiment with the medium.

"In our time of disturbance and radical change we are crossing a threshold, a portal, or an unseen bridge from one world to another. It could be said that the bridge is either collapsing beneath us or being made as we walk together, in the long twilight hours when one civilization gives away to another."

Thank you!

Constructed Textiles
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto


