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How to exchange XMR to BTC

How to Exchange XMR to BTC? 

If you plan to use an XMR to BTC converter, you could take the following actions:

First, select XMR in the left field and BTC in the opposite field, and then enter the amount of XMR you wish to sell. The amount of Bitcoin you could receive will be calculated in real time by the calculator.

Step 2: Copy and paste the address of your Bitcoin wallet. Start the exchange of XMR for BTC.

You will receive a deposit address from our platform to which you can send the desired amount of Monero in the third step. We will provide you with the order ID at the conclusion for review.

Fourth step: A fixed rate conversion from Monero to Bitcoin will take place throughout the transaction.

Receive Bitcoin in your wallet as the fifth step, and we'll send you an email with the details of your order and an estimated turnaround time.

XMR to BTC Exchange Rate

0.0070 BTC is the current 1 Monero to Bitcoin conversion rate. No restrictions apply to this XMR to BTC exchange, so feel free to use it to trade any number of coins!

How does the XMR to BTC calculator work?

Selling Monero will get you Bitcoin, and using an XMR to BTC converter will make it simple for you to keep track of the current exchange rate.

We keep track of the chosen coin pair's exchange rate during exchange.

Trading at a set rate provides you with permission to carry out the operation at the anticipated rate that is shown to the client when the contract is created. To shield you from price changes, we fix the currency rate when a transaction is created.

If all of the funds were acquired within 30 minutes of the deal being created, fixation would still be in effect.

How to exchange XMR to BTC

How to exchange XMR to BTC


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