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萬華人孔蓋|WANHUA Manhole Cover


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Taipei's Hydraulic Engineering Office (HEO) has kick-started the "Taipei Maintenance Hole Cover" project to improve the cityscape. The goal is to forge the urban aesthetic by redesigning the maintenance hole cover. In 2020, they initiated the project with Nan-Gang, Da-Tong, Jhong-Zheng, and Wan-Hua Districts, the four districts with rich historical cultures of Taipei. Planned to redesign eight different maintenance hole covers with localized cityscape and cultures, then have the covers placed on the pedestal among the commercial circle and landmark.

Regarding "Taipei Ka-Sui," referring to "Beautiful Taipei" originated from the Taiwanese language and can be directly translated to "water and the maintenance hole covers," which is the theme of the design. The goal is to redesign the maintenance hole cover, ditching the impressions that it is supposed to be always dirty. 
View from Below
"Explore the world with the perspective of maintenance hole cover" the idea is to let the pedestrians interact with the design and look up to the city from the view of the land they live on. 

Wan-Hua is a district of Taipei that has rich culture and history. An area called "Bang-Ka" used to be the heart of the location, but the popularity faded over time, leaving stories and traditional cultures to the locals. When the city moved on, it re-shaped the community representing Taipei's history and culture. Hence, the design core was set between the impact of the old and the inherent new culture.

Wan-Hua Carousel
"What do you see in Wan-Hua from a different perspective?"
Exploring the cityscape, The concept set the foundation of the different perspectives of four various local landmarks. It was inspired by the cultural assets, such as street view, referencing the temples' color scheme, merging temples, fireworks, lanterns, and more similar cultural elements, and creating the "Wan-Hua carousel" as the first theme of the project.

剝皮寮歷史街區 Bopiliao Historic Block
西門紅樓 The Red House
龍山寺 Longshan Temple 
西本願寺 The Nishi Honggan-ji Temple


Wan-Hua Night watch
We explored intangible culture with the foundation of the Taiwanese temple fair. Qingshan Temple's night watch is a famous tradition among the locals. After consultation with the local traditions experts, we decided to use "Lion Dance" and "Guide (A child-like figure that guides people)" as the protagonist of the design, guiding the locals and tourists to discover the beauty of Bang-Ka's culture. 

The composition and bold colors present the impressions between day and night, and the image of the day and night watches symbolizes the eternity of the Wan-Hua cultures.
YEAR |2020
指導機關 Advisor|臺北市政府工務局水利工程處 
總執行單位 Executive Unit|樺致形象設計有限公司
計畫主持人 Project Director|楊佳璋
專案執行 Account Manager|維恩Vivian
協力廠商 Subcontractor|新全鋼有限公司
設計執行 Creative Agency|桔禾創意整合有限公司
創意總監 Creative Director|張漢寧
設計師 Designer|詹郁柔
專案執行 Project Manager | 洪佳紜、侯馨莉
平面攝影 Photographer|DOU Photography 啦嘟嘟工作室
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萬華人孔蓋|WANHUA Manhole Cover


萬華人孔蓋|WANHUA Manhole Cover
