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PERCHETTO - spice mixes packaging design


The Brief

The brand “Perchetto” is designed for a young, mobile audience that loves quality products, but unfortunately does not have time to cook. Our task was to create a premium segment brand with

"old history" effect and linear expansion for spices mixes.

The Solution 

We are inspired by the retro packaging of similar products in Europe. We have developed a visual design of the brand that refers to the 19th century. And we're find solution for 9 SKU wich united by one “colonial” style.

The Result
For labels we used wine paper, foil and metallized pantones, which at different angles of inclination additionally creates a "game" between matte and glossy textures. So we breathed new life into the “colonial european“ style. Brand successfully took a part in food premium stores.


Art and Brand Director: Vitaly Ryblachenko
Graphic Designer: Vitaly Ryblachenko
Photographer: Snezhana Vedlovskaya
Content Writer: Vitaly Ryblachenko
PERCHETTO - spice mixes packaging design