DBG Trading & Distributorship - Branding


Dominion Business Group is a Singapore-based global distributor, importer, and exporter of goods. Their portfolio focuses on furniture, appliances, premium food and fast-moving consumer goods across both the government and the private sectors.

Our team was challenged to redesign the brands logo and language, to help it stand out and communicate.

On this rebranding we wanted to keep the recognition that the company has already established, for this reason, keeping the main elements of the previous communication was important. 

We challenged ourself to create the new logo with only one kind of triangle and a simple grid, creating the "DBG" by only rotating the triangles. The result is a more modern and abstract logo that was also used as the main element of the branding. 

Do you have a project in mind? Contact us! We can help.
DBG Trading & Distributorship - Branding