It was 2020. We were all stuck in our houses with tons of free time and little to do. It felt like the end of the world. In the middle of all that chaos, I found myself discovering this show about an angel and a demon working together to stop the Apocalypse. It was not long after that I started reading the book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and became one of my favorite books of all time.

But not only that, the community surrounding this work was so positive, fun and kind and
I truly believe if it weren't for them, my 2020 would have been very different. This book saved me from a lot of sadness and loneliness. I owe Neil, Terry and the fandom a lot,
so it seemed fit to do a humble tribute to it by designing my own version.
Sketches of our main characters:
Aziraphale and Crowley
When I was happy with the design of the boys,
I did the rest of the characters:
From left to right:
Crowley, Aziraphale, Madame Tracy, Sergeant Shadwell
Dog, Adam and The Them
Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Sister Mary Locuacious
The riders of the Apocalypse: War, Death, Pollution and Famine
Time to pick the color palette!
In the process I found it was necessary to draw
Agnes Nutter's Book of prophecy and Aziraphale's flaming sword
And I also thought it would be fun to do a little pattern
with elements related to the story:
Alright! Now I can finally star showing you the book illustrations.
Let's start with a few cover sketches:
The chosen one:
The cover
Interior illustrations
Finally, shared it on twitter so my fandom friends could see it,
but I wasn't expecting this AT ALL:
Top 3 momentos of 2020 by far :)
I hope you liked this project!

If you loved my work you can
follow me on Instagram and TikTok
and if you wanna buy some of my stuff
you could go to my INPRNT :)
Good Omens


Good Omens
