Robert Crisp's profile

Miscellaneous Graphic Design

Cover of the 24 page Schiele Field Trip Guide.
Panel design for the "Pirates" exhibit for the Schiele Museum of Natural History. One of 53 different panels designed for the exhibit.
Panel design for "Caves: Life Underground." One of 47 different panel designs. All images were masked in Adobe Illustrator.
Panel design for an exhibit about R.M. Schiele, founder of the Schiele Museum of Natural History.
Panel design for "Cowboys." One of 55 different panel designs.
Photo of Agathla Peak in northern Arizona.
A DVD cover design for "A Tale About Bootlegging." 
Vector illustration freehanded in Adobe Illustrator.
Photo taken with a Nikon D3100 near Needles, California.
My Jeep at the Colorado River.
Pen and ink drawing for a panel design used in the "Cowboys" exhibit.
Large poster design for the Hoyle House project lead by Dr. Alan May. Many items were masked in Adobe Illustrator.
A photo highly manipulated in adobe Photoshop. The photo was taken with a Nikon D3100.
Vector poster design for the Earth Night concert. Designed in Adobe Illustrator.
Photo taken in New York City with a Nikon D3100.
Vector design for Gastonia's All-American City bid.
Photo taken in Hackberry, Arizona.
Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Manipulated in Adobe Photoshop.
Photo taken in Hackberry, Arizona along Route 66.
Large format poster design for the Holly Bend project for the Schiele Museum.
Vector design freehanded in Adobe Illustrator.
Photo of "Kilimanjaro Jack" used for promotional material for the "Mammal Safari: A Journey of Discovery" exhibit. Steve Watts portrayed Kiliminjaro.
Logo design for Junior Leadership Gaston based on the original Leadership Gaston deisgn I had completed previously.
Highly manipulated photo of my son in New York City. Taken with a Nikon D3100.
Car wrap designed in Adobe Illustrator. The car conveys electric energy and low emmisions. Designed in Adobe Illustrator.
Vector design for Park Watch.
Logo design for the "Pirates" exhibit. Initially design in Adobe Illustrator and manipulated in Adobe Photoshop.
Wall installation design portraying solar energy
Cover design for Rocks Magazine promoting the Schiele's Earth Day event.
Cover design for Rocks Magazine promoting the Schiele's Earth Day event.
Interior of the Schiele Summer Camp Guide. All photography and design was done in house.
Photo of bees. Taken with a Nikon D3100.
Promotional piece for "Mammal Safari."
Photo of Steve Watts.
"Gypsy Jack" Steve Watts holding a freshly produced Sundrop can featuring his image. I designed the can in Adobe Illustrator.
Vector deck design.
Exhibit panels for an unamed exhibit about the Solar System.
Photo of Lucas in New York City.
Invitation design for Earth Night.
Vector logo design for Two River Utility.
Photo of White Sands, New Mexico taken with a Nikon D3100.
Miscellaneous Graphic Design