Abhishek Dixit's profile


Despite knowing not to judge a book by its cover, we always do so in our everyday lives. As humans, we tend to be distracted by the overall physical appearance of the matter without understanding its essence. The appearance of the matter always makes us think and examine it immediately. It is human nature to like everything at first sight. We make most of our choices and decisions based on first impressions. Our perceptions of beauty differ from each other, and most of the time we are not capable of determining the true beauty of the substance because of our limited ability to dive into its depths. The process is what truly matters. Since we seldom have time to reflect upon the real and true essence of beauty, we tend to decide and reach the conclusions of any matter based on the first deep thought we have. While perceptions differ, one thing is quite similar, which is the physical magnificence of any subject that makes it unique and different than any other dogma or dearth. Man falls into the illiteracy of knowing when he cannot think beyond appearances.

Our daily lives are filled with wonderful and beautiful things, and this collage juxtaposes them. The juxtaposition adds a new dimension to the way we see things. Because of our delusion and illusion of seeing the real and true, beauty often deceives us, and we are unable to accept it. We think this is a utopian world, but for a wise man, it is not even worth living in.




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