The exhibition called “Duburi-A” by Kahori Maki was held from 5th to 9th of February in SHIBUYA TOKYO.
Depending on the person, the day or the time, you may see things in a different way like a Trompe l’oeil or an optical illusion.  That is “Duburi-A” It’s a word from the French words “Duex(two) + Briller (to shine)” it depicts the relationship or spark between the audience and the work.The Hinoki frames were provided by IKEDA MOKUZAI which deals in the best Japanese cypress and inspired the work with a new energy.
In the fragrance of Hinoki, those present may have enjoyed this exhibition as an “aromatic exhibition” as well.
We also shared another moment of mother nature in Shibuya with heavy snow for the first time in 45 years!
Frame provided       IKEDA MOKUZAI
Filmed and edited   Shiho Minami


Frame provided       IKEDA MOKUZAI Filmed and edited   Shiho Minami


Creative Fields