Erica Nonaka's profile

Reflections: Inspiration in Wing Mirrors

Research, Case Studies and Dissertation:
Reflections - Inspiration and Implementation on Wing Mirrors

Graduation Final Project for the BA Product Design course (2014)
Professor supervisor: Prof. Osmar Vicente Rodrigues

An important sector in global economy, the automotive industry has been investing fiercely in innovation and technology, launching new and more advanced models at a frenetic speed, eager to outstand competitors and attract the most demanding consumers. However, with so many engineering barriers, harsh local legislations and high production cost, the auto makers spend many years on researching and testing with sketches, projects and prototypes, before deciding if a concept can be mass produced. 
As my Graduation Conclusion Project, I proposed a research and general study about concept cars: its origins, functions, influences and connections with the commercial models we use. Under this theme, I presented as a case study the rear view wing mirrors set, in which was possible to analyze in depth its project stages, limitations and transition from concept to commercial.
This project's goal is to analyze the factors that determine what gets out of the concept and goes to the streets, and to create concept wing mirrors that offer possible and positive changes in the commercial models. By leading people to reflect about their inflexibility/lack of change over time, this initiative hopes to trigger innovation in one of the car parts which design received so little attention since it was created.
Wing mirrors 3D Modelling
Prototype 3D Printing (ZBuilder Ultra)
Full Dissertation available on Scribd (portuguese version only):
Reflections: Inspiration in Wing Mirrors

Reflections: Inspiration in Wing Mirrors

Projeto de Conclusão de Curso apresentado à Unesp para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Design de Produto, sobre carros conceito e seu impacto n Read More
