Sticker Project
In this unit we designed and printed at least 3 stickers. Each sticker needed to be at least 3 inches on the longest side and should belong to a set. At least two of them must primarily be image-based (for example, one text-based, two illustrations or three illustrations). The stickers cannot be based on existing intellectual property
The sticker needs to have a diecut line at least 1/4 inch outside the design.
Everything in my life is revolving around my son. So all I could think about when sketching were babies and their different bench marks such as sitting up, crawling, standing. This is the direction I wanted to go. I knew I wanted to make it a set of the same little boy and his growth between being swaddled and standing. 
As I started out on the computer I wasn't sure how to go about building something I found more on the complex side. So I just started out by blocking shapes then I added color and details. My husband suggested I add pupils to the eyes, it wasn't in my original design but I think it does give them a little more life. 
Teacher/class critique
My draft was up to this point and I couldn't figure out where to move forward. I couldn't decide if I wanted the outlines to be more stylistic or follow the actual paths they were meant to define. My teacher suggested I pick one and stick with it since having them both made it look inconsistent. It was also recommended to me on multiple occasions to have the face expression different for each of the poses to give it variety. I personally felt that the standing pose was too daunting of a task 
I like how my finial turned out. I still met the requirements of having at least 3 stickers even after removing the standing child, and I feel that I have reached my personal goal to have a sort of progression in the kid. I like that I kept the color palate and faces generally the same so you knew it was the same child. 
Sticker Project


Sticker Project


Creative Fields