Ryan Cunningham's profile

New Quiksilver Identity

Designer: Ryan Cunningham
Mentor: Sean Adams
NOTE: This was a student project. I took Quiksilver and gave the company a whole new life.
It is not pretty and it is not your teenage sons surf company anymore. There are no hot blonde surf models or cheesy wanabe 80's type graphics and there is no more wave and mountain icon. I've used real surfers who live, breathe and die for the life style. Quiksilvers image has been on the decline for a while, I made sure that this was no pantie waste surf company any more. This New Identity is not for everyone. Some people will be taken aback by this, maybe even offended. But, then, if you are, you haven't really lived the surf life or been around this level of  street roots before. If you do not get the concept that is fine, I didn't want everyone to. This is the attitude that I wanted to give Quiksilver, the kind of attitude that would punch you right in the face for being on the wrong beach at the wrong time, snaking a wave etc. This is a highly conceptual project, one that Quiksilver would probably be too afraid to take on. It is to show how far I could push this project, and trust me I pushed this to the extreme.
With these three pages I chose to show the secondary typeface in use with the the new Identity descriptions. 
It looks more interesting this way rather than just displaying the secondary typeface in the traditional way that it is usually displayed in style manuals.
Second ID Collateral System
This system is not as corporate as the first one. The concept with it is that it is the “New Identity” it is out of control, over the top and in your face. Each employee has the opportunity to have there own personal letter heads and cards with up to ten photos of whatever they choose. This can be as safe as they want it to be 
​or it can be as dangerous thinking as they want it to be. The sky is the limit. There is a method to the madness though. The hand written type will all look the same. The card will only have the name, phone number with extension, job tittle and their photos. The front side will have the Quiksilver logotype small at 25% cut off at 
the V and will be embossed in Quiksilver Orange with a semi uv gloss coating.
Quiksilver Stores
The Quiksilver stores will also take on a new life of their own and have meaning and substance to them.
For instance, this mock location would be at the historic Black Flag Church in Hermosa Beach, California.
The concept is that it fuses surfing with punk rock, back to were it all began. It holds true to the fuck you
attitude of the new identity, the punk rock and the surf culture being that it is located in Hermosa Beach.
Now, not all stores will take on this concept, but with this kind of thinking just imagine the possibility that
could come out. Taking the boring old look of the same old store and giving them life. What if this location
even held punk rock shows and contest parties! 
Signage, Advertising, Window Displays etc...
The world needs to see that Quiksilver has changed. The way to do that is to plaster the world with it.
Show everyone, bring this out of control life style of surfing and punk rock to every city and town in the world.
Put them where you would expect to see them and then also put them to where you would least expect to see them. Bring the new identity out with a force that has never been felt before. It should be know that Quik has changed and that they are going to change the way that they are viewed as well. This is one of the greatest opportunities to go all out to have fun to show off what Quik has become. Start with the Locations that seem obvious like the example shown to the right, but then really start to think in other ways. Could there be a huge Quiksilver ad on the side of a museum, on a random wall that a person might see walking down the street.
What about in the middle of Times Square in New York City. What about the magazine adds. Where can you
take this amazing new identity? What about the podunk towns in the middle of America. It's time to show the
world what a punk rock attitude mixed with the surf life style can be. It has been here all along, So bring it forth with a no holds bar attitude.
With this photo I was lucky enough to work with the famous photographer Pep Williams. This was a great experience working outside of school with a real photographer for the first time. I was so greatful to work with Pep and for the photo he gave me. It really helped to pull this project together.
On the Right: Is me giving my final presentation in class.
On the Left: That is my final poster that made it in to the student gallery
on the main wall in the graphic design department.
The final printed poster size for class was 5ft by 7ft.  
New Quiksilver Identity

New Quiksilver Identity

NOTE: This was a student project. I took Quiksilver and gave the company a whole new life. It is not pretty and it is not your dads surf company Read More
