Photography -  take compelling image of the products in real world settings that show off some of their best features for use on the website and in promotional materials.
Tradeshow banners - design and create large tradeshow banners that helped illustrate the incredible realism of the simulatiors while at the same time underscoring the fact that they are indeed just simulations.
Manuals and instructions - design graphics that illustrate the various features of the simulators and how they are used. Conducted user testing to determine which graphics were working to convey the intended information and which were not. Made adjustments until users could successfully follow the instructions.
Marketing materials - designed marketing materials that visually emphasized key product features that set our simulators apart from the competition. Used social proof to underscore the value of the feature set implemented. Conducted user interviews to better understand the key features that would be critical in the evaluation of what simulator to buy.
Tradeshow booth(s) -  designed a flexible tradeshow booth system that would allow the same structures to be used in a variety of different configurations with different sets of panels to highlight the appropriate products. Created different series of product panel sets that could be used alone or in combination with each other to create an incredibly flexible system that could work in any tradeshow setting.


Marketing and support materials created for Immersion Medical
