Your fake grass solution
Artificial grass products are made to look and feel exactly like real grass, but they have many benefits that real grass simply can't match. From durability, maintenance, and environmental benefits, the line of synthetic turf products can be customized to perfectly fit your needs.

Artificial grass is a great way to enjoy your own little slice of greenery, all year round, whether you’re planning on tackling the lawn yourself or hiring someone else for fake grass in Tampa we’ve made it easy to find artificial grass installers in your local area

Artificial turf looks like real grass but requires almost no maintenance. So it’s perfect for people who aren’t that green-fingered, or for areas that are difficult to keep mowed and weed-free (like shady corners or slopes). It can be installed on top of existing turf, as long as there is a good base underneath 

Where can you use your fake grass?

Many people are getting fake grass installed at their homes these days. It looks great, can be used anywhere in your home, and requires next to zero maintenance.

If you're looking for ways to decorate your home with artificial grass, here are some ideas on where best to use it:

1 Use it on your porch as a welcome mat

2 Make a green poolside area for your kids

3 Place it by your door

4 Create a small lawn or green space inside or outside your home.

This type of artificial grass is also very popular in shopping centers, airports, offices, and other commercial spaces.

Installing a fake lawn at home is quite easy and the quality of the product has really improved over the past few years. You can have a beautiful and natural-looking lawn that will last for many years without any maintenance.
The benefits of fake grass

There are many benefits to artificial grass. It can be enjoyed by young and old, people or pets and is ideal for any application. Whether you are putting it in your front yard, backyard, playground, or rooftop deck, fake grass has changed the landscape of lifestyles everywhere.

The following benefits of artificial turf will have you thinking about your own lawn.

It’s low maintenance

Do you dread cutting the grass every weekend? Or do you need to hire a gardener to keep your lawn looking great all year round? If so, fake grass might be the perfect solution. There is no mowing or watering required with an artificial lawn; it looks good all year round without any additional effort on your part. This is especially beneficial if you live in an area where extreme temperatures cause your lawn to suffer during the summer or winter months.

No more mud

It’s inevitable that dogs (and their owners) are going to get muddy after a walk through the park or playing fetch in the backyard. But with an artificial lawn, this doesn’t have to be the case anymore! The flexibility of fake grass allows urine to drain straight through and solid waste can be removed easily with a poop scoop. Artificial grass is also much easier to clean than real grass

TK Turf of Tampa Bay
Address: 601 North Ashley Drive, Tampa, FL, 33602
Phone: 813-534-4220 
TK Turf of Tampa Bay

TK Turf of Tampa Bay
