My first ever forging work. A housewife's knife is relatively easy to make. Allegedly they were used by women at home. Because they were made of iron or steel, it didn't matter if they were forgotten on a hot stove. 
I used carbon steel because it can be hardened and thus sharpened, too. 
This is the plan. Stretch the handle first, then hammer the blade, and finally bend the handle. 
Heating up the steel. 
The glowing part will be the handle. 
The handle is stretched by little by little by hammering it. 
This is an early stage of the blade.
After more hammering of the blade, the shape is almost ready. 
Finished knife before sharpening. 
Finished knife after sharpening. 
Housewife's knife

Housewife's knife

A housewife's knife.
