The Third Collection: Virtual Exhibition

The Third Collection 
Retain & Radiate: Virtual Exhibition by Second White 
Milan Fuorisalone 2022

Second White's virtual exhibition project ‘Retain & Radiate’ explores the aesthetic balance between space, living and objects that emerge over different periods of time. Replications of architecture and design in our era of digital transformation are revisualized in surreal landscapes using second-generation technology and virtual reality technology.

Embracing and reinterpreting their journey, Second White fuses design with metaverse technology to visualize a virtual surreal landscape in hopes to inspire and encourage conversation about Digital Transformation amongst creatives.

The Second Space

Second Space presents Second White’s architecture in a virtual space; using transparent gradient materials to reduce the boundaries between indoor and outdoor and harmonize with nature.

Second White believes there is a need to establish a standard of beauty based on things that have remained unchanged throughout time and hopes to convey a different novelty, sense of beauty and familiarity with a focus on balanced and familiar experiences rather than emphasizing new, unfamiliar products. As mankind’s creations are being replicated in the virtual world, Second White creates an architectural space where designers embrace and radiate anew the time of mankind.

Harmony with Nature

Architecture of the Essence

Space A

Step into wide open space to appreciate elements that symbolize Second White.

Second White’s visual language consists of graphic symbols that depict elements of Second White and is used to express and highlight the importance of the essentials in design projects. Visualizing and refining Second White’s identity, expressing, and communicating internally and externally, has clarified our direction to move forward. A circle best expresses Second White’s idea of ‘essentials’ visually. The motif is a perfect geometric figure that gives a sense of stability. Its soft, radiating, quiet, gentle circular form expresses our emotions. Second White is the element that symbolizes the process in our journey to find its essence.

Space B

The main objet portrays the creation of beautiful shapes by different qualities of nature over the course of time. 

The stone, which symbolizes a mysterious journey that transcends time and space, radiates a unique symbolism as traces of the past and present permeate the space. <Second Stone> meets heterogeneous materials, transmits, and absorbs their respective energy, and is then reborn as furniture in a virtual world. Second White reminds its fundamental value in its slogan, ‘Only the essentials remain, all the rest permeate’ through design.

Space C

Experience objets that reflect Second White's design values in virtual space. 

This series conveys how our design work permeates the virtual world, bridging the present and the future. Second White Design continues our heritage as a bridge between the past and the future, extending it in the present and in virtual reality.

Virtual Exhibition Link

Creative Directing: Cyndi, DK
Project Lead: Lieun Kim
Project Management: Ming
Concept Design: Hyewon Choi
Visual Elements: Yujin Song, Minjeong Kim
Project Development :  Soonman Kwon, Jihun Yoo


The Third Collection: Virtual Exhibition