Josh Keidan's profile

Improv Moments in Film

Josh Keidan | Improv Moments in Film
Improvisation isn’t solely found on the stage or in a comedy club. Although the continually changing environment of the theater is a ripe field for amazing improv moments, a more structured environment can still yield amazing results. On a movie set, you often have the luxury of doing multiple takes of a scene, often the directors will demand it. However, some improvisational scenes are so fantastic they made the final cut and are present in the films we can watch today. 

Considered one of the most impressive and notable films of all time. The film is filled to the brim with love, action, and tension. The chemistry of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman was ripe for a plethora of memorable one-liners. The most famous being their emotional goodbye, that is found nowhere in the script. 

Improv Moments in Film

Improv Moments in Film


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