Keep Carpenter Pests From Invading Your Home
Keep Carpenter Ants and Other Pests From Invading Your Home
In western Washington State, carpenter ants are the most common wood-infesting insect species. Carpenter ants are a primary infestation, which means they will build their colony in sound wood. The other major wood-destroying pests in our area (damp wood termites, moisture ants, and anobiid beetles) are secondary infestations. Appear only when the moisture level in the wood is high enough. Needless to say, none of these insects belong in your home.
Colony of ants
The presence of a parent colony outside the residence is a worry with carpenter ants in particular. If that’s the case, simply eradicating the ant colony within isn’t enough. Because workers from the parent colony will simply re-infest. Your carpenter ant infestation is unlikely to go away until you track down and eliminate the parent colony. Secondary infestations are much easier to manage; replacing damaged wood and removing moisture infiltration sources usually suffices.
It is advisable to engage a qualified and bonded pest control operator if you already know you have an infestation. This is particularly true in the case of carpenter ants because the specialist is best qualified to locate the parent colonies. However, in some situations, and even after pest removal, there are several preventative actions you may take to better safeguard your home from future infestations of wood-destroying organisms.
Basic Goal
The basic goal is to keep moisture out of the wood. Moisture ants, damp wood termites, and anobiid beetles will be discouraged as a result of this, as will satellite carpenter ant colonies. First and foremost, take care of the obvious. Fix all roof and plumbing leaks (which are more likely to happen where there is flashing, such as in valleys or around chimneys and other penetrations) (which tend to occur at pipe joints). Make sure there are no sprinklers aimed at the structure, and that any ground surfaces are sloped away from the foundation. It’s also critical that the vapor barrier completely covers all of the soil in the crawlspace
Next, look for hidden sources of moisture that attract carpenter ants and other pests. Check that all gutters and downspouts are in good working order, are free of debris, and are carrying water away from the home in the right channels. All exposed wood surfaces should paint. Ensure decks shine and treat properly.

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