Erika Faye Goering's profile

CARE at Planned Parenthood Great Plains

The CARE at Planned Parenthood Great Plains logo comes in two variants; blue for health care and pink and gray for advocacy, following Planned Parenthood's established brand guidelines. The dual hearts symbol is made from brand assets and colors within Planned Parenthood's established library.

The two overlapping hearts represent the relationship between the care provider (PPGP) and the patient/community. The intersection of both shapes represents the trust and partnership between the two; where the act of care itself takes place.

The brandmark also depicts a sense of community and togetherness in the fight for equity among our uniquely turbulent region. PPGP sees patients (refugees?) from Texas and is currently fighting to hold onto the right to abortion care in Kansas.

To be respectful of this bleak time in our history, my goal was to be considerate and sensitive to the uncertain future of our region's abilities to provide abortions. I knew I wanted to show love by way of multiple hearts working together or a single large heart embracing our region.
Early sketch process, including several iterations of various forms of interlocking/interacting hearts, a heart containing our four-state region, and other ideas that could possibly depict the concept of caring for each other. All shapes are constructed from existing Planned Parenthood assets.
After several iterations, I finally settled on a form that I later realized parallels a piece by Milton Glaser: AIDS: A Worldwide Effort Will Stop It.

While Glaser's overlapping hearts and skull showed the nuance of and empathy for the AIDS crisis, my interlocking hearts symbol carries the heavy weight of the loss of our rights under Roe v. Wade.

Ultimately, interlocking hearts represent a joint effort fueled by empathy and understanding.
CARE at Planned Parenthood Great Plains


CARE at Planned Parenthood Great Plains
