The Baya Swing
Inspiration for Baya Swing
The Indian Weaver Birds also called Baya Weavers, interestingly weave their nest during their breeding period. This nest is made of dry leaves, twigs and various other natural fibres collected from spider webs, furs, etc. These nests usually swing from the branches of tall trees like palm or coconut. Here in this, the structure of the weaver birds nest is taken as an inspiration to the structure of the swing and thus named as Baya-Swing. Also, the swing is made of bamboo and rattan which are naturally waterproof materials and best suitable for verandah and garden furniture because of their highly sustainable property. 
Product Conceptualization and Layouts
Isometric View of the Swing
Orthographic View of the Swing
The Baya Swing

The Baya Swing
