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Develop Apps for Foldable Devices- A Worthy Decision!

Develop Apps for Foldable Devices- A Worthy Decision!
After years of slow sales, today, foldable devices are gaining wide consumer acceptance across the globe. This is not us stating the growth of flexible screen technology. The statistic by IDC (International Data Corporation) shows the worldwide market of foldable phones forecasting to reach 27.6 million units with a market value of $29 Billion in 2025. Quite impressive! Isn’t it?
Let’s take the example of foldable smartphones. Whenever the topic of the foldable phone is discussed, the Samsung Galaxy Fold series hits every tech-savvy mind. After all, it was the first foldable phone to hit the market. This tech giant always endeavors to hit the ball out of the park with its generation-to-generation flagship foldable models. It is also important to note such flexible screen technology by Samsung has also revolutionized the mobile app development domain completely. 
With the rapid transformations and changing display technology in foldable devices, it is imperative to pay attention to new opportunities. And if you ask us, developing an app for foldable devices would be a wise move for your business's success. But do you have any idea about developing apps for foldable devices? Well, we have covered all the key highlights of the blogs. 
Develop Apps for Foldable Devices- A Worthy Decision!


Develop Apps for Foldable Devices- A Worthy Decision!
