Pomegranate - An animated short
I think most of us have been there at some point in life. 
Being in a relationship that simply does not work, where one partner simply isn't 'there'. They may spend time with you, but at the same time they are not really with you and the more you try to hold on, the faster they disappear.
Pomegranate - Trailer
I think most of us have been there at some point in life. 
Being in a relationship that simply doesn’t work, where one partner simply isn’t ‘there’ and the more you try to hold on to it and make it work the faster it ends. 

Pomegranate is a 3 minute slow paced hand-drawn 2D animation that uses symbolism to communicate the deeper meaning of the story. It is a story about an unattainable relationship, where the main character, the woman, captures a moth and tries to keep it close to her as a symbol for the relationship wants to hold on to but isn’t able to.

 The scenes of the pomegranate are interwoven and mixed into the story and can be seen as a parallel storyline, symbolising the energy and the love the woman has invested into the relationship. In the end the moth has disappeared, and the woman has eaten the whole pomegranate, she has nothing else to give. The relationship is over but at the same time our main character is finally free again.


