概念 | Concept
“回憶的保存 | 歲月的淬煉 | 歷史的瑰寶 | 未知的探索”
 “忘记” 的标签,因此【琥珀】被选为象征对象,被称为可捕捉时间的化石以及记忆的化身,作为毕业制作的主视觉象征。

Amber represents 4 qualities “the preservation of memories | tempering of time | a historical treasure | exploration of the unknown”, qualities we hope to instill into our fellow peers and audiences. In this fast-moving world constantly being fed with new contents, people of our society tend to forget easily. That is why Amber was chosen as the main visual element representation for this project , as it has been called a fossil that traps time or the embodiment of remembrance.

标志 | Logo
     白底【色彩 | 灰阶 | 黑字】                                                                                            黑底【色彩 | 白字 | 灰阶】
     white background 【coloured | grayscale | black fill】                                                 dark background 【coloured | white fill | grayscale】

视觉元素 | Visual Elements

Visual elements utilize some of the unique founds but genuine amber fossils’ specimen as references. It is fascinating and breath-taking to see the many proto or early forms of different flora and fauna specimen being so well preserved in solid resin, giving us a peek into history way before our time.
石化蜂蜜系列 | Honey Fossil Series

natural resin looks very much like bee’s honey, and fossilized hardening makes amber rigid, hence the name of the series.
while assembling the visual elements, being able to match different things together and trying to come up with a story behind each piece of ‘honey fossil’ brings a lot of joy and fun.

海报 | Poster

周边 | Merchandise

The annual theme for the 20th graduation production of Transworld University, Visual Communication and Design department, Taiwan

设计总监 Chief designer | 施正浩 See Gen Hau • Zachariah​​​​​​​


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琥珀 | Amber

琥珀 | Amber
