Write up of needfinding exercise to understand design opportunities for the health goal app. I observed users using their current methods (both online apps/websites or other offline tracking) and interviewed them about their needs, struggles, and goals. 
I used open-ended quesions to remove bias and encourage insight beyond my own instinct. Also noted supporting questions to steer conversation when necessary.
Types of quesitons asked: 

1. Tell me about your current health habits (Guiding questions: What are the biggest areas of consciousness? , How often did you go to the gym/ exercise this week? What do you do to track your food intake this week? How often do you order out vs.cook this week?      
2. Let me know any health goals you have (Guiding questions:  What are focus areas? How do stay motivated? How do you stay accountable?) 
3. Tell me about the biggest challenges you face (Guiding questions: Are there any barriers to keeping healthy?)
4. Describe any use of technology in your health routines (Guiding questions: What do you like best about these technologies?, What do you like best about these technologies? What do you like least about technologies? What features are most beneficial? What features are missing? Can you show me how you utilize them? 
5.  Describe any other methods (online or offline) that have been helpful (Guiding questions: Do you track progress on spreadsheets or paper?)
User testing that showed plan, task completion, findings, and feedback for next iteration 
Interactive prototype the key app functionality of setting up new challenges and tracking progress to exisiting ones. This is focused on interaction and usability, not a finished visual design.
Health App

Health App

The start to a product idea for a health goal app. This project covered user interviewing and need-finding, prototype building, and user testing. Read More
