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Intaglio Print on Zinc (set in copper sulfate)

This is one of my more recent examples of my projects just going through a process of chaos—particularly due to an exhausting cold and a recent heartbreak. 
It’s kinda weird how much I just let go, in the process of developing art. Although I’m not as well-versed with printmaking as I am with traditional pencil work, this is one of those projects that becomes something more of its own, and takes on an identity I both recognize and struggle to allow and adapt to it.
 The zinc plate kinda wound up all over the place, but its intention remains pretty stagnant: Intriguing concept art for an intriguing comic book, rather a piece that deserves patience, flexibility, and you never know if it might have something else to say. (Something, like, maybe, “Printmaking requires adaptability,” or something?)
I love this piece. Not sure how I’m gonna use it, but that doesn’t extinguish its value. ❤️

Overall piece: 

1/3: “Stroke of Luck” — brayer-rolled, 3/4 Wash Brush (Princeton Art & Brush Co.) 

2/3: “Scraped” — brayer-rolled, pallete knife 

3/3: “Rolled” — strictly brayer-rolled, no suppressants. Kinda messy lol. 

BONUS THOUGHTS (upon project submission): 

This is the original sketch I had in mind (first picture above). It kind of took a chaotic turn when I was struck by the common cold. To that end, I'm happy with the turnout, regardless. Also, this is for my comic book and the soul of the series-of-itself addresses these moments of facing the vulnerability of the human body, the human mind, and how it physicalizes that through art. The scratchiness is fun and uncertain, and the tiny lyrics are an Easter egg for OMD's "Genetic Engineering," one of my favorite songs. 
Fun fact: OMD used a Speak-And-Spell to vocalize the words you can see etched into the prints! The song was also released in 1983. 
Intaglio Print on Zinc (set in copper sulfate)


Intaglio Print on Zinc (set in copper sulfate)
