Space Plus..

Space Plus is the graduation project from The American University in Cairo, Graphic Design Program, Spring 2019. The project involves the creation of a furniture brand by the name Space Plus. The brand has in its main goal to create modular and multi functional furniture that can be used to furnish limited space apartments in Cairo. Lately, apartments in Cairo are getting smaller in sizes. This is the case for different economic levels of the s
society. Since people either have to dwell in small sized apartments due to the financial inability to pay for bigger apartments. Other people who may have the financial ability, would pay more to rent or buy an apartment in a closed residential complex that still offers small apartments, while charging more money for other services and privileges like parks, landscapes, as well being more secure and offering a higher social standard. 

The project, thus, responds to these conditions by providing a modular table system that consists of four small tables that can be arranged in different ways to respond to the space of the apartment. Each of the four pieces have a different configuration for use and storage. Two of the pieces have mechanisms that allows them to elevate to a higher level. This allows for storage opportunity, as well as better function since it can be used for eating.

The project includes the design of the logo, the printed material hanged for description and explanation, and the design of the tables.

Space Plus


Space Plus
