For our final project we where asked to make a font. We where challenged to sketch out the fonts in different media and really experiment with it.  I took that idea and got out some old art supplies from my art class in first semester.  I used markers, paint pens, finger paints, charcoal pencils, and lastly digital ink and charcoal on my iPad for a few.
I landed on the set that I did with charcoal and decided to do it all in illustrator with shapes.  I wanted to make a stencil like font that had thick and thin lines.  I started out making the characters H,x,p, and t, then used those to make the rest of the font.  I dissected the H and made my thick line and thin line that I was going to use with most of the font.  I made an oval for the o and used it to cut the thick line to make the round edges for the sides of the o g and c. I then, continued with that thought to complete the rest of the characters.
After getting the characters done I continued to font lab and uploaded them there.  I had to go back and fix a few but it wasn't too hard.  I'm pleased, overall, with my font! It definitely isn't perfect but its good for my first try.  
Tuxedo Font

Tuxedo Font
