I've taken a few photography courses and have been able to learn a lot about my camera and Lightroom editing. The above was a single picture that I made with using a small light in completely black room with a 30 second shutter speed, I would put up the sign language letter and put the light on just that hand for a little more than a second and then I would turn the light off move over and put up a different letter and put the light back on and repeated this until I had the whole message spelled out. I figured out I could do this because a camera just reads when light is entering the sensor and if there is no light it doesn't pick up any information so by taking this in a completely dark room and only putting the light on the still hand and turning it off when I moved there would be no motion blur and I could have the same hand in the frame multiple times over the long shutter speed, with such a small light I wasn't illuminating the area where the hand was previously so it wouldn't become translucent with the new information of the background being lit up without the hand there. I then put text over the image to make a personal and meaningful mothers day gift.
I took a lot of other pictures that show various Lightroom editing techniques and shutter speed tricks like above. The pictures of me I was able to take with a tripod and a timed shutter release.
Below I have added an additional few pictures that I have taken of graduates from my university that have been slightly edited in Lightroom.

