Earl Christian's profile

Kamisato Ayaka | Cryo DPS

Frostflake Heron
Kamisato Ayaka
Daughter of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan and the younger sister of Kamisato Ayato. As the Shirasagi Himegimi, Ayaka is dignified and elegant, as well as wise and strong.
Birthdate: October 29th                    Constellation: Acer Palmatum                    Vision: Cryo
Cryo DPS Build: 
Recommended Energy Recharge for Ayaka is around 130%. The Amenoma Kageuchi would lower the energy requirements.
PS. The following Weapon Ranking is based on my own's recommendation, you can always use the Blackcliff Longsword if that's what you want.
Kamisato Ayaka | Cryo DPS


Kamisato Ayaka | Cryo DPS
