Black poster collection

The projects were completed in 2015 as part of exhibitions in the city of Krasnodar. The posters were made on different topics and for different exhibitions, but they were combined into one case due to the monochrome color scheme.

The first project is dedicated to Salvador Dali. A triptych was created, which depicts a mix of symbols and details from Dali's paintings. For example, on one of the posters, you can see images from early works, such as "The Persistence of Memory" and "Eggs on Plate without the Flat". The posters are made in a minimalist style and are united by the theme of eggs. The egg is one of the artist's favorite symbols. In Dali's understanding, the egg does not so much symbolize purity and perfection as it gives a hint of the former life and rebirth, symbolizes intrauterine development.

The second project is dedicated to the Soviet painter and designer Vladimir Tatlin. The main theme of the poster was the famous project of a monumental monument, the eternal symbol of constructivism - "Tatlin's tower"

And the last project is devoted to the counterform. The purpose of posters is to tell a story with a small number of graphic elements.

Thanks for watching!

Black posters


Black posters
