StealPlay Rockers

In collaboration with
Arttdinox , India

Photo Credits
Cause & Effect Studio


The philosopher and psychologist Carl Jung believed that "the creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but the play instinct." And it is this feeling of freedom and creative anticipation that is embodied in StealPlay. Thus, StealPlay brings us back to those moments of quiet delight, stolen interludes from the frenetic pace of modern life.

These animal Rockers are inspired by kinetic toys, and the play of light and shadow created by the movement - inviting an immersive experience of 'play' for all ages. Their gesture resembles that of a traditional rocking horse, reminiscent of a child’s joy and discovery in simple, uninhibited play.
This range of indoor rocking furniture is inspired by the Chital (deer), the Bengal Tiger, and the Buffalo, capturing the essence of the animals through the simple forms.

While challenging to work with, 'Inox Steel' (from which this range is made) is tough and durable, making it the ideal material for a hard-wearing piece of home furniture. These cleverly designed and beautifully crafted Animal Rockers not only provokes imaginative and intuitive play, they fully leverage the material’s strength and durability inherent to steel.
StealPlay Rockers

StealPlay Rockers
