My completed artwork symbolises the synergy between humankind and machinery. I wanted to shine light on how machines have affected our lives, for better and for worse. The humanoid face represents mankind and the contents in her head are full of machinery. I picked some machines whose creations have aided humanity such as the lightbulb, automobiles, satellites and medical devices. I then juxtaposed these positive creations with machines which are created to destroy and bring out the bad in humanity, such as guns and tanks. This shows how machines have pros and cons. Regardless, humankind would not be where we are today without them.

Secondly, humankinds face in this artwork is dissolving and falling apart. This represents us losing our identity as we have become so reliant on machines to help us do many things in life.

Lastly, the humanoid face has a ‘third eye’ which represents an awakening, this is to spur members of the audience to reflect and think about how their lives have become so intertwined with machinery, and think for themselves if this is a good or bad thing.

