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Why do you need insulation for your home?

Why do you need insulation for your home?

Did you know if you have poor or no insulation at your home can waste half of the money you spend heating your home? Insulation is used to prevent air from escaping through little gaps and crevices of your home. There are many insulation materials yet they all serve the same purpose as a barrier between your home and outside elements such as heat and cold.

Increases lifespan of attic
If your attic is not properly insulated or roof maintenance is not done for years, problems start to form such as leaky roof or even worse scenario of leaky roof coupled with mold that no one wants to deal with. Having an added layer of insulation could end up saving your roof in the long run by creating a moisture barrier.

Preventing health issues
Insulation filters allergens and pollutants outside of your home. It also prevents you from a number of health issues caused by molds such as chronic bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses.

Comfort and added value to your home
Is your bedroom freezing and basement boiling? Insulation will help to ensure you get consistent temperature throughout your home. Potential home buyers are ready to pay more money if your home is energy efficient, the amount of money you spend on insulation will return tenfold.

Getting quality insulation materials from reputed suppliers such as CTS Building Supplies LTD can guarantee your insulation’s lifespan for years.

Why do you need insulation for your home?

Why do you need insulation for your home?


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