A series of photographs created during a visit to Paris. These are a display of two people who have, by creating numerous compromises in a long relationship, lost their individual identities. The main premise of the photographs, however, is not the loss of individual identity but the exploration of limits of assuming a partners identity and whether the individual can be retained at all. The joining of the subjects into a single person shows this, in time unavoidable, inner conflict metaphorically. The subjects are positioned centrally in every photograph to highlight their importance, which also brings higher consistency within the series.
Serija fotografija nastala za vrijeme boravka u Parizu. One su prikaz dvoje ljudi koji su u dugogodišnjoj vezi stvaranjem mnogih kompromisa izgubili vlastiti identitet. No glavna premisa fotografija nije gubitak vlastitog identiteta već istraživanje do kuda sežu granice poprimanja partnerovog identiteta i može li se uopće zadržati vlastiti. Spajanje subjekata u jednu ličnost metaforički prikazuje taj unutarnji sukob koji s vremenom postane neizbježan. Subjekti su na svakoj fotografiji pozicionirani centralno kako bi se naglasila njihova važnost što za sobom povlači i veću konzistentnost unutar serije.


Exploration of the personal identity in a long term relationship.


Creative Fields