Meo Fam's profile

"Vietnam: An Intriguing Place" A Mini Photo Collection

"Vietnam: An Intriguing Place" 
A Photography Mini-Collection
As a developing country with its own extensive history racing 24/7 towards modernism, Vietnam is now a mixture of people from different social classes and social populations who each live at their own pace. 

There are people who seemingly work 24 hours a day either for self-preservation, survival or self-advancement. Then there are people who can afford to lounge about as some people can afford to build at the expense of others. Or there are people who lounge and sleep the day away regardless of the break-neck pace of the world around them. 

This collection of photos was taken over the course of 3 years from 2016 to 2019 and conceptually explores the contrasting, multifaceted and interdependent relationships between "work", "contemporary lifestyle" and "social development" of a developing Vietnam. 

Methodology: Candid Photography
Camera: The only thing I had at the time: my subpar phone camera 
Post-editing: Only edits to lighting, contrast & levels. 
"Working til Sunrise in the City Center"
"So Bored she said lounging"
"Hard at Work 1: Break Time"
"Watch Out People Below: Luxury Rooftop in Progress"
"Hard at Work 2: Before the Storm"
"Before the Storm: Relax at the Lake"  
"Hard at Work 3: Opened til Sunrise"
"Hard at Work 4: Security on Duty"
"Hard at Work 5: Parking Security for An All-Night Party"
"Vietnam: An Intriguing Place" A Mini Photo Collection

"Vietnam: An Intriguing Place" A Mini Photo Collection
