Tanvi Shrimali's profileTanvi Shrimali's profile


A graphic novel about a forgotten language.
The Story:
Until I was about 4 years old, I lived in a big joint family in the small city of Udaipur, Rajasthan. We only ever spoke in hindi at home, and it was the only language I was familiar with. When we moved to Bombay, I had trouble making friends, because all the kids in my building spoke in english.

However, I quickly picked the language up, and blended right in! But here’s a twist - we went on a family trip soon after, and I seemed extremely worried about something. 

I have been told that I was scared I would forget all my english since we were away from Bombay for too long!
My Process:
This project involved a rather new and unusual way 
of working, compared to my regular methods. 
I started off by folding and cutting A4 sized sheets in different ways to depict parts of the narrative. These images were then edited, to fit the look that I wanted for my novel.

First up is the long journey from Udaipur to Bombay. The second one shows a divide between me and other kids - a literal language barrier. Lastly, I have shown mountains to represent the hill station we went to for the trip, where I felt like I would forget my newly learnt language.