Cameron Armstrong's profile

RIBA Conference 2014

The shape on the left gives the impression of a structure because of its sharp angles and the way it rises up into a point. To complement this I placed type, set in Akzidenz Grotesk, on the right in one column to add to the feeling of a tall structure.
To create the abstract shape I took inspiration from Folding Techniques For Designers and folded “chevrons” pointing in opposite directions into an A4 piece of paper. Then the paper was twisted and turned into different shapes and photographed.
The leaflet was printed on 85gsm paper to allow it to fold up comfortably without being too thin and tearing too easily. Using the abstract shape upside down provided enough space to fit the type in the background area of the photograph, preventing the type from being lost in the highlights and shadows of the image.
A clear typographic hierarchy was essential to make the leaflet effective. The timetable had to have a clear definition between the times and the events to allow the reader to quickly check what time teir event was on, using tabs white space was created that was enough to separate the events and the times but still allowed you to comfortably look across to the event name.
Emphasising the speaker’s name made it easy for the reader to see when their favourite speaker was talking.
I wanted to show off the way the chevrons in the folded paper flexed and turned in the speaker introduction. Bringing the paper in and out of focus whilst twisting creates a slightly hypnotic effect that catches your eye and makes you look at the way the folds in the paper collapse and expand.
RIBA Conference 2014

RIBA Conference 2014

A student project where we were asked to brand and produce a poster leaflet and a speaker introduction "slide" for the 2014 RIBA Conference
