Gabriel Marcon's profile

Attraction in the Jurassic World

Attraction in the Jurassic World
A study of ambiance and colors, based on the universe of jurassic world.

Atração no Jurassic World
Um estudo de ambientação e cores, baseado no universo de jurassic world.

Banco de imagens: Evanto Elements e Freepik | Image Bank: Evanto Elements and Freepik

Materiais usados 

43 camadas no Photoshop | 43 layers in Photoshop​​​​​​​

+/- 4 horas para concluir | +/- 4  hours to complete 

Antes x Depois | before x after

@marc0ng on instagram

Attraction in the Jurassic World


Attraction in the Jurassic World
