angelica fontana's profile

Ethnographic research, Chongming Island (China)

Chongming Island, Shanghai, 2013
Design Harvest
SLOC People
Ethnographic research
in collaboration with Tektao Urban Design

In October 2012, I started to work for studio Tektao, a Urban Planning company, based in Shanghai. The project I started to take care of was called Design Harvest and it was running since 2009.  The idea behind, was to push an alternative sustainable proposal for contemporary urban sprawl. We worked on involving local communities in Chongming, an Island one hour far from Shanghai, in the design action, to give their knowledge identity back to them.
During the research phase, with the Tektao research team, we were driving a field research both in Shanghai and in Chongming
First, we designed a toolkit for 10 Chongiming habitants. They had been provided with a diary where to record their journal activities for four days, from Thursday to Sunday.
We interviewed citizens about their daily activities, specially during their eating time.
We planned one workshop in Chongming, with 12 primary school children, whose we involved in crafts production activities, and one focus group, in Shanghai, with phycologists, IT experts, and designers.
four months
Teambuilding during the workshops
Video production and post-production
Ethnographic research, Chongming Island (China)

Ethnographic research, Chongming Island (China)

In October 2012, I started to work for studio Tektao, a Urban Planning company, based in Shanghai. The project I started to take care of was call Read More
