Aymeric Bianco Pelle's profileJordane Lelong's profile

Crazy Roulette - Lydia

Interview guide
Written using the journey map
In a real project we would have subsequently added verbatims to our Dovetail or similar solution.
Here we asked ourselves how we could act on the pain points raised during our interviews with users.
After some brainstorming we choose two areas of improvement : Help create a moment of sharing between friends and Make the digital gift card as personal as possible?
With a bit more context we are able to start searching for ideas using a panel of tools.
First benchmark, keeping our goals in mind so that we are able to draw real conclusions and not just screenshots.

Then, a mind map, throw everything you think of on the paper, get some words out to ease the next steps.

Quick Crazy 8s or any workshop based on quickly iterating to release our creativity.
With all theses ideas we can start to flesh out a bit more some that looks promising. Making a storyboard or an experience map, "Design the box" and alike.

For us it was a roulette using the webcam, which allows the user to win a little gift from Lydia, we thought it would be a great way to encourage sharing and that the reaction of the user to his gift could add a bit of virality.
And another about printing a gift card with personal messages from all the participants of the prize pool.
Elevator pitch
Get your ideas to the stakeholders quick !
Our presentation of the roulette caught the attention of the stakeholders so we were go for refining our concept for real !
Here the goal to spend as little time as possible making the prototype to test as fast as possible. Thanks to the design system, this task is way quicker.
Hope you enjoyed our prototype ;)
First let's create a solid testing protocol, define tasks for the users to do during the test, write down a quick intro, and questions about each screens.
Recruit some users, and away we go ! First a spontaneous traversal of the prototype then questions step by step.
It's very important to communicate the results as quickly as possible so you know if it's worth it to keep investing on the current idea. Also it helps everyone in the company see the benefits of testing.

For that reason we can draw out only a few insights, indicating with how many users tested thought the same, a citation and some suggestions on how to improve in response to each insight.
The idea we tested has potential but isn't perfect. Some people were not comfortable with the video and wouldn't necessarily have shared it at the end of the journey. Some explanations needed some rework and the prototype missing a real camera feedback seems to have a big impact.
This particular idea seems really tricky to test correctly, avoiding biases, but with more time is doable.

We made some improvements to the prototype and a light version of it on Origami.
Final Pitch
Crazy Roulette - Lydia

Crazy Roulette - Lydia

This publication is still a work in progress, be kind
