الجسد الذي تسلّقتُه يومًا 
The body that I climbed one day
July, 2021

Art cover for the book "The body that I climbed one day" written by Asmaa Azaizeh.
Illustration is a pencil drawing remastered and colored in Adobe Photoshop with Wacom Cintiq.​​​​​​​ 

Art Direction by 
Asmaa Azaizeh and Adam Zuabi

More info about Asmaa Azaizeh 


Updates and work in progress on my Instagram account @tavomontanez
Visit my illustration portfolio tavomontanez.com

Thanks for watching​​​​​​​
Black Bird


Black Bird

Art cover for the book "The body that I climbed one day" written by Asmaa Azaizeh.
