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The Many Signs of Alcoholism

The Many Signs of Alcoholism

The signs and symptoms of alcoholism are not always obvious, especially to the person dealing with the addiction and those closest to them who may not be familiar with the condition. Furthermore, signs of alcoholism can mimic many other medical conditions. If you suspect you have a problem with alcohol or if friends and family continually imply such, there’s a good chance you may be consuming alcohol in excess and need help to get your life back.

Is There a Problem?

Many alcoholics don't realize there’s a problem until their addiction is well-advanced. Stopping is hard by this point and sometimes medically dangerous. It is important to recognize the signs of alcoholism and get help when you need it. It is nothing to be ashamed of, but instead, something that should make you proud. We all have faults and make mistakes. What is important is how we handle them in the future. 

Many different alcohol rehab programs are available. They’ll help you detox from alcohol then help you advance through the stages of recovery. It is a difficult and sometimes overwhelming process but one that helps get your life back. You’ll feel better, look better and improve your health the minute you put down the bottle.
But, I go to work every single day! I can’t be an alcoholic, so you think. It’s called a “functioning alcoholic” and still signals trouble that needs professional help. 

Signs of Alcoholism

There are several signs of alcoholism but the signs are not always easy to recognize. So what are the signs of alcoholism?

Drinking often.

Drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Drinking at work or missing work due to alcohol.

Personality changes when drunk and when sober when needing a “fix”.

Craving or “needing” alcohol to start or make it through the day.

Increased amounts of alcohol needed to catch a “buzz”.

Shakes, especially in the hands.

Yellowing of the skin.

Withdrawal symptoms, including irritability and restlessness.

These common signs of alcoholism are among many that indicate the time has come to face the facts and admit there’s a problem before it is too late. If alcohol has become a big part of your life, it's time to disconnect yourself. There is help and hope for a better and brighter tomorrow but it starts with time in a substance abuse rehab center to learn how to beat the addiction.

The Many Signs of Alcoholism

The Many Signs of Alcoholism


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