I create an annual illustration to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. This is the first illustration, capturing my feelings at that time and my hopes for her as she turns two years old.

In 2021 maybe was the hardest time of our life. Facing the truth that our little daughter has cancer in her left eye, or it’s called Retinoblastoma. We felt like our world is falling apart and broken into pieces. After went through a long journey of medical treatments, start from diagnosis, enucleation surgery, evaluation, chemotherapy, and now she is recovered. Her condition is getting better day by day, she grows healthy and cheerful. The trauma she got from medical treatment is slowly fade away.

To celebrate her 2nd birthday and as our gratitude, we intend to pour our feeling into an illustration that contain our hopes for her. Here they are: The barren trees visualize our current feeling. We’re still worry about her health and how will she grow in the future. But, along with all that we’ve been through and seeing how she progressed, we stiil can find blissful thing of it; She’s being fine. The stingrays interpret social life. We realize her imperfection, but we wish that she will grows confidently and accepted by her surroundings. An eye explains our hope, although now she only has one eye, hopefully it can give her many points of view on many things.
 The rest, I leave this illustration for you to interpret according to your own way. For the little girl who successfully fought Retinoblastoma, our baby, Adinda.

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The Hopes

The Hopes


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