The Digital Age brings instant communication.  Through our use of smartphones and social networking we are inescapably accessible.  When a desire for such communication goes unreciprocated we turn to lies and excuses to “flake out” as a means of avoidance.  Flake It is a set of sterling silver dice that allow the user to let someone down with a hand motion.  The first die gives the tangible excuse, “Out of town,” or “I have to be up early,” while the second follows up with a phrase to console, “But we need to catch up.”  Flake It acknowledges that the elite of America are far too important to respond to absolutely everyone.  By applying generic phrases constantly used among Millennials, Flake It makes a game of our routine flakiness.
Sterling silver
Flake It

Flake It

Part of the 1%, a body of work completed as my Degree Project for the Jewelry + Metalsmithing Department at RISD.
